On 15 February 2024, during the 49th Annual Congress of the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH) held at the Meliá Castilla Hotel in Madrid, we were honoured to present the preliminary results of the validation of the GEMA model in Spain. This event represents a significant milestone in our quest to improve equity in liver transplant allocation.
Presentation of the preliminary results of the validation of the GEMA model in Spain
The oral presentation in the main auditorium featured data from almost 6,000 patients from 25 transplant centres across Spain. This comprehensive analysis allowed valuable information to be shared on the efficacy and applicability of the GEMA model in the Spanish context.
The validation of GEMA is a crucial step towards a fairer and more equitable system for the distribution of liver transplants in our country.
For more details about the congress and registration, visit the official website.
Download the AEEH 2024 Congress programme in PDF format.